Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Treatment for Crepey Skin

By January 17, 2018 No Comments

treatment for crepey skinAging skin is inevitable. As we get into our 40s and older, we start to notice wrinkles and lines appearing where our skin was once smooth and supple. We may even notice some patches of our skin growing thin and crinkly like tissue paper. This phenomenon is referred to as “crepey skin.” But even though crepey skin is common, there’s no reason you have to live with it. With the many procedures offered at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, plus our Crepe Correcting Body Complex, you can enjoy the smooth, vibrant, youthful skin you’ve always wanted.

What is crepey skin?

Though crepey skin and wrinkles both affect your skin’s appearance, there is a distinct difference between them. Wrinkles are lines or creases caused by repeated muscle movement, while crepey skin is a patch of loose, thin, crinkly skin. As you produce less collagen and elastin over time, crepey skin will start to appear, but the process is accelerated by environmental factors like excess sun exposure, smoking, and malnutrition. Everyone is susceptible to crepey skin, but especially those with lighter skin tones that offer less natural protection from the sun.

How can BHPSG help?

Fortunately, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group offers a variety of solutions for crepey skin and any other skin complaints. One option is FaceTite by Inmode, a state-of-the-art, non-invasive contouring method for facial skin. FaceTite works to contract your skin using RF (radiofrequency) energy, with precise control and minimal downtime. Dermal fillers can also help restore a youthful shape and suppleness to the skin. We offer many brands of fillers including Juvederm and Restylane that last for several years and are especially effective at restoring fullness to the face.

What is the Crepe Correcting Body Complex?

The most direct solution we offer for crepey skin is the Crepe Correcting Body Complex. This soothing, nourishing cream is available through our line of cosmeceuticals, Beverly Hills MD. Applied once daily, this hydrating formula smooths and tightens your skin, reducing wrinkles and crepey skin all at once. Crepe Correcting Body Complex is suitable for all ages and skin types, offering health and vitality to even the most aged, sun-damaged skin.

Whatever your skin care needs, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group can help. Call us to schedule a consultation, and we’ll create a plan to achieve your skin care goals.