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Protocols for Men When Recovering from Cosmetic Surgery

By July 28, 2019 No Comments


Protocols for Men When Recovering from Cosmetic SurgeryMen are undergoing cosmetic procedures in greater numbers than ever before. Such figures seem to imply that the men of this generation are taking more pride in their physical appearance, which is commendable. However, despite such shifts, there are still challenges at play. Traditionally, men have been taught by society not to show weakness—to remain in control, strong and solid. Following surgery, men will often deny pain and discomfort and choose not to seek out help, even when they are in need.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, you must be aware of all stages of the process—especially post-op. Here are some facts about what men should expect during recovery from cosmetic surgery.

Take Time off Work 


You should already have talked with your employer about establishing an adequate window for recovery. You don’t need to tell your boss the details of your procedure, but make it clear that you need time off for medical reasons. Depending on the extent of your surgery, plan for anywhere from five days to three weeks of recovery. Your surgeon will be able to provide a more accurate estimate. Even if you feel ready to return to the office early, play it safe and work from home as much as you can.

Handle Your Post-op Body With Care


After some downtime, you may feel the urge to get back into a routine. Typically, you should be able to shower three days after surgery (avoid baths at all costs). Be careful around incision sites and watch for bruising when gently washing—especially around the face. Avoid shaving and direct sunlight when possible. Treat your body with care and you will heal correctly.

Say No To Smoking and Alcohol


You already know the dangers of smoking: how nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict, limiting the amount of blood that flows to your organs. When recovering, you need all the blood flow you can get—so butt out! Plus, alcohol is an inflammatory substance. Simply put: you don’t need any more swelling during recovery.

Avoid Strenuous Activities 


This one may require tremendous restraint, but post-op patients must resist the urge to exert themselves—this includes working out, running, sports, even sex. The possibility of bursting a stitch or experiencing trauma to a sensitive and swollen area is too great. Additionally, physical activity elevates the heart rate and blood pressure, which can be risky for a body in recovery mode. Play it safe and stay off your feet for as long as possible. 

Chill Out


There is no better remedy for a body in need of healing than sleep. It is essential for feeling better, as well as avoiding a plethora of possible post-op complications. As tempting as it may seem to resist, try to get as much shut-eye as possible as it will expedite recovery time. If you’ve had facial surgery, be careful when tossing and turning. A stabilizing neck pillow is a great way of avoiding further bruising in bed. 

The days and weeks immediately following surgery are crucial to obtaining your desired results. But you must be willing to rest. Now that you know the steps involved with proper post-op recovery, you should be able to make a more informed decision about whether cosmetic surgery is right for you.