Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Is it Safe to Do More than One Facelift?

By March 16, 2022 No Comments

Many people are finding it hard to come to terms with their aging skin. In fact, a lot of people actually seek out aesthetic facial surgery in order to achieve a youthful look. A facelift can help eliminate signs of aging by trimming excess skin and tightening the underlying tissue.

Facelift surgery can provide you with years of youth-restoring and positive results. However, facelift surgery does not prevent any additional aging. This means that sometimes, it does need to be redone. Facelift revision surgery is essentially the “second round” of this procedure.

It works to improve upon initial facelift results in order to maintain and prolong your youthful features. While people do often undergo multiple facelift procedures, many of them are often concerned about the true safety of facelift revision surgery.

Is It Safe to Undergo More Than One Facelift?

It is definitely possible and safe to undergo more than one facelift for most people. However, this will depend on your current health circumstances. While studies have shown that older patients in good health can undergo the procedure without problems, some health issues can increase the risk of complications, such as:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Lung disease

To ensure that your facelift runs as smoothly as possible, it is important to let your surgeon know if you have any health conditions that may have an effect on your surgery.

How Many Facelifts Can a Person Undergo?

There really is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on the patient’s personal preferences and health history. Many people undergo multiple facelifts without any problems. 

However, everyone has different needs for facial surgery. This means that it is important to have an open and honest conversation with your surgeon in order to determine what level of plastic surgery is safe for you and will best achieve your goals.

Are you looking to undergo your second or even third facelift? We can help you out with that! To learn more about our facelift revision surgery, get in touch with us here at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group to find out which options will work best for you. We serve clients in West Hollywood, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and worldwide.