Pregnancy and child birth are probably two of lifes most beautiful and cherished moments but what happens to a womans body after is not
At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group we take pride in being the post pregnancy experts. We specialize in giving you your pre-pregnancy body back. Depending on each individual and the changes that occur during pregnancy or multiple pregnancies, we tailor a plan to meet your needs and satisfy your goals. Whether it is with our SIMM (single incision mommy makeover) or a mini tummy-tuck or breast enhancement via a lift or augmentation, we will formulate the proper package to meet your needs and fulfill your expectations.
A very common request is to have a tummy tuck at the same time as a planned c-section. Is it possible? Yes, however we discourage our patients to undergo such a procedure because it will lead to suboptimal results. This is due to swelling and distention at the time of delivery as well as stretching and ripping of the abdominal wall musculature. The deep layer, or fascia is both ripped and stretched. The stretching is largely recovered by 6 months; the ripping of course is not. That is what the deep layer of the tummy tuck improves. The hormones that cause the deep fascial layer to soften to accommodate the baby are no longer active by six months. The tissues literally hold stitches better. Giving sufficient time post partum for healing prior to aesthetic surgery is advisable.
Furthermore, women who are breast feeding give many essential nutrients in their bloodstream to their child. They are restricted from taking a variety of medications including pain meds while breast feeding. There is also strict restrictions on lifting after aesthetic surgery and it would be very hard not to pick your baby up!! Women who are shortly postpartum have to lift their babies frequently. Frequent heavy lifting can damage the results of a tummy tuck and or breast surgery. By six months, most moms have their routines down and are more efficient with lifting their babies.
The final criteria that needs to be filled is reaching your pre-pregnancy weight or at least losing as much weight as possible that was gained during pregnancy. We understand that it is hard to eat right and work out especially while breast feeding and not sleeping (due to the newborn). We understand this dilemma and many times perform the tummy tuck even if the ideal weight has not been met.
If you believe you are a candidate and want your pre-pregnancy body back, schedule a consultation with Dr. John Layke and Dr Payman Danielpour, call us at (310) 275-6600 and visit us at
To view before and afters of tummy tucks: