Here at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we aim to offer the most advanced scar therapy in order to achieve the most natural result with no visible scarring. We offer silicone gel scar cream as well as silicone gel sheets. The biggest buzz in the scar world is our newest and most advanced form of scar therapy – Embrace Advanced Scar Therapy Dressings.
Made by Neodyne, The Embrace Dressing is a non-sterile, single use adhesive silicone sheet used to protect and manage a newly formed, closed scar. Each Dressing is pre-strained, that is it has a predetermined level of strain to deliver to the scar, prior to application. It is then applied over the new scar, serving to cover and protect the scar. The Dressing delivers a uniform compressive strain around the scar to help minimized the harmful effects from natural skin tension and body movement. By reducing mechanical stresses around the scar, further proliferation of collagen in the area may be reduced, thereby limiting excessive scarring.
This Dressing is great for use on hypertrophic and keloid scars and is easy to apply and can be done on your own at home and just as easily removed as well.
Interested in learning more about our advanced scar therapies to help make that unsightly scar less noticeable? Give us a call today and set up a consultation!
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
(310) 275-6600