Is a rhinoplasty procedure in your near future? If so, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group would like to go over some measures you can take to make the process go a little more smoothly, reducing pain and making recovery as comfortable as possible.
You Have Your Reasons for Undergoing Rhinoplasty
Maybe you’re considering a rhinoplasty procedure to change the shape or contours of your nose, or maybe you want to improve your breathing. Reasons for getting what most people call a “nose job” can be either for functionality, for aesthetic enhancement purposes, or some combination of the two. Whatever it is, there will be some down time after Dr. Layke performs your nose surgery procedure. Keep reading to learn some tips and pointers for your rhinoplasty recovery.
Stay Away from Heavy Lifting
Maybe this seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes people think they’re superhuman. By exerting yourself, you’re more likely to breathe heavily through the nose, which might make the recovery process more painful. In worst case scenarios, you might injure your nose and compromise your rhinoplasty procedure and recovery.
Secret: Rhinoplasty Recovery Might Not Be As Painful As You Think
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group will prescribe medication to make your rhinoplasty recovery as comfortable and pain-free as possible. Yes, there will be an approximate three-week downtime attached, but most patients won’t necessarily need pain killers. Many patients are surprised by how little physical pain they experience.
However, Recovery Can Be Less Than Comfortable
You will experience pressure; your ears and nose will experience congestion, akin to a head cold. You can take pain medication and antihistamine as needed, but the best idea is to stick with Tylenol, in order to bypass medication side effects, which can often include constipation. At the 3-5 day mark, we’ll remove internal packing and dressing. We’ll also vacuum out any debris, so this pressure will finally be alleviated.
Get Out of Bed
Make sure that you walk around as much as you can. Keeping your head elevated, wiggling your toes, and walking around the house periodically will increase circulation and minimize the likelihood of blood clot formation.
Sneeze and Breathe Through Your Mouth
It might be a tough transition not to sneeze through your nose. One way to get used to this is to really focus on making that classic “ah-choo” sound with your mouth. Becoming a mouth breather for the duration of your rhinoplasty recovery will help facilitate the healing process and make sure that you enjoy the best possible results.