Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Call: (310) 275-6600

Patients who are looking to improve their appearance with breast reduction surgery are often afraid of scarring. Many women put their breast reduction surgery off because of concerns about the unsightly scars that might result.

Fortunately, our practice specializes in the lollipop breast reduction technique. This safe new method results in less scarring and a more natural breast shape than the traditional anchor incision method.

The Vertical Incision Technique

The lollipop breast reduction technique, sometimes called the vertical incision technique, uses a single vertical incision without a horizontal incision under the breast. The operation not only reduces breast size but reshapes the breasts, creating a natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing shape.

This type of operation doesn’t disrupt glandular tissue and sensation to the areola is maintained. Most patients are still able to breastfeed after the operation.

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The “lollipop” scars fade over time. During recovery, there will be a small amount of wrinkling of the skin under the breast that resolves itself over time. Your recovery time will be much shorter than with a traditional breast reduction surgery. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days.

To schedule a consultation, contact Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group now. We will work together to create a breast reduction surgery plan that is right for you.

Do you have a question?

Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke are available to answer any question you may have regarding our line of cosmetic and surgical procedures.
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