Many people are hesitant about getting breast reduction surgery. While you can achieve the look you want, most breast surgery techniques leave scars on the breast. Many women put off procedures that might improve the quality of their lives for fear of scars marring their appearance.
One solution to this problem is the periareolar incision technique, sometimes known as the Benelli incision. The periareolar incision technique uses the natural skin color change between the areola and the rest of the breast to hide scars. Instead of a horizontal cut below the breasts, the incision is made around the bottom perimeter of the areola.
Periareolar Incision Technique
Periareolar incision can be used for both breast reduction and augmentation. This incision allows for high degree of visibility as the operation is being performed. The only limitation on this procedure is the size of the areola. Large areolas may be reduced in size during this type of procedure.
Your Initial Consultation
This technique is best for smaller breast reductions. For larger reductions, we offer other options with minimal scarring. Our top-rated surgeons can help determine which breast surgery procedure is best for you and your goals. To schedule a consultation, contact Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group today.