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These Signs Mean You Could be a Candidate for Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the US, often landing in the top three reasons people consider surgery. (Breast augmentation typically takes the number one spot.)

This makes sense, as liposuction is an effective way to eliminate problem areas of fat. If you’ve been wondering whether or not liposuction is right for you, we’ve put together some signs that mean you could be a candidate for liposuction.

Signs Liposuction is Right for You

1. Your weight isn’t bothering you
While you might lose a few pounds after liposuction, that’s not the primary goal of the treatment. Instead, the aim is to define and enhance your natural body contours. So if you’re happy with your weight but less happy with your shape, then liposuction might be for you.

2. You have more than one “problem” area
You may find yourself despairing over more than one area – perhaps it’s your butt and thighs, or your stomach and arms. As liposuction is excellent at targeting unwanted areas of fat, you have the choice to enjoy its benefits on different target areas – either in one session or stretched out over several sessions.

3. You can’t get the right workout for THAT area
You’re healthy and spend plenty of time at the gym, but you just can’t seem to eliminate those stubborn areas of fat. If that’s the case, then liposuction could be exactly what you’re looking for, as it allows you to zone in on the desired area with precision.

Why Liposuction is Right for You

Ultimately, liposuction is a great way to target your problem zones and fix any issues with your body shape that have been bothering you. There’s no denying that it’s a long-term investment, as it costs more than nonsurgical treatments. However, that’s because its benefits typically last longer than the alternatives. With a healthy and active lifestyle, you may find yourself enjoying the benefits of your liposuction surgery for years to come.

A final great way to see if liposuction is right for you is to check out our gallery. Here you’ll find the results of actual patients we’ve worked with to help them get the results they wanted. Get in touch with us today to find out how Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.