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Post Surgical Blues

In a fast-paced world where everyday demands are at an accelerated speed, there is no wonder why people are constantly looking for the quickest solutions and outcomes. When it comes to plastic surgery results, this is of no exception. People are constantly looking for  “instant gratification”. Patients are always wanting the most profound results from surgery or treatment,  with the least amount of down-time. In this industry, we are continuously striving to provide this for patients.  With clinical research,  advances in medicine,  and the most innovative,  cutting-edge techniques, plastic surgery has come a long way just in the past ten years alone!

Yet the most important thing for any patient to understand, is that no matter what changes in the world around us, we are still human, and as the old saying goes, “Nature must take its time.”  Healing from plastic surgery comes with time. Though there is no guarantee of an absolute amount of time that it takes to be 100% healed, we try to give every patient a projected time frame. This time frame is based on a generalization of patients who have had the surgery before. Further, it is  categorized by the type of surgery performed, gender, age, existing health conditions/medications, and daily life style.

Patients that have such high daily demands should be aware that they should take time to really rest and recover following surgery.  Though many patients might feel the immediate need to be  physically able, they might find themselves having an emotional breakdown due to exhaustion if they do not give themselves the proper time to recuperate and just take everything with ease.

Your thinking process and emotions might not be too stable or clear for the first couple of days,  to couple of weeks,  following surgery. This is normal. We call this, “Post Surgical Blues”. Everything might seem to be a bit emotionally “out of whack” due to: being physically laid up, physical restrictions/limitations, medications you might be taking or weaning off of,  and the fact that your results might not be too evident at first. The exhaustion following your surgery can vary from mild to quite extreme.  Your energy level will slowly and surely climb back up, but don’t expect that to happen overnight.   You might find that your energy level, and emotions,  are on a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs.  As the second week approaches, you should start looking and feeling quite well.  Your energy will continue to steadily increase and by the eighth week, you should  likely be back to normal.

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we always want our patients to feel comfortable and open about communicating any questions or concerns that they have at any time! We do understand that with surgery comes emotions and we are here to be a hand-to-hold, a listening ear, and a source of information for all of our patients.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group 310.853.5147