What’s the story behind your tattoo?
Does your tattoo represent a significant time in your life, or even a significant other? Or is your tattoo just a thing of the past that you wish you no longer had?
Too often we hear about patients who have a tattoo that their Artist messed up on. Whether it’s by misspelling a word or creating a design that is different than what they asked for. Or we hear about patients who had a tattoo that they no longer wanted and decided to cover it up with another tattoo. This usually is a recipe for disaster.
With the newest state of the art technology in removing tattoos, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group is happy to offer this laser treatment to all patients with unwanted tattoos. The TattX premium laser tattoo removal process effectively and completely removes all types of colors of tattoos with fewer treatments, fewer negative side effects, and less pain than other systems or procedures.
The TattX laser has a patented technology that distributes energy more evenly, with multiple frequencies, for the most ultimate impacting result. Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group is the only facility in Southern California at this time that has this technologically advanced laser.
The exact number of treatments for tattoo removal are hard to promise but we are able to provide an estimation based on the tattoo’s location on the body, the age of the tattoo, the size, colors, as well as the depth of the tattoo in the skin. Under almost all circumstances the TattX process will completely remove nearly ALL tattoos, though white and yellow are the hardest colors to eliminate.
The larger and more complex tattoos may require more sessions, though on average anywhere from 4-12 sessions should eliminate the tattoo completely. The TattX laser offers an accelerated process called an R20 that allows Dr. Layke and Dr. Danielpour to perform multiple sessions in the same day on the same tattoo. This allows the tattoo to fade faster with fewer sessions than other conventional lasers.
The procedure itself is completely toerable and doesn’t require any topical numbing cream and is usually done in 5 minutes or less. If another session following (R20 treatment) is to be performed, the tattoo can ice for 20 minutes minimum before another session is performed.
There should be no scarring, no bleeding and no down time following the TattX treatment. The risks for these are increased due to hyper or hypo pigmentation issues. Avoiding direct sunlight or sun exposure to the treated area is certainly recommended for the first 4 weeks following treatment.
Because the lymphatic system needs to work to cleanse the body from impurities and foreign bodies, it is recommended that the following treatment doesn’t take place for at least six weeks from the last session. This means that it could take up to six months to a year before reaching completion for tattoo removal.
Finally ready to say good-bye to that tattoo? Give us a call today to start your process for a clean slate or for any further information on the most effective tattoo removal laser.
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group (310) 275-6600