Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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What Breast Implants Are Best For Me?

By July 3, 2012 No Comments

I hear it all the time from patients that are consulting with us regarding their upcoming breast augmentation surgery, “I don’t want to look unnatural, but I still want a difference I can see. What breast implants are best for me?”  My answer is typically always the same. A natural appearance (or any given outcome for that matter),  has to do with this basic equation: your breast tissue, plus breast implant volume, equals the final breast size. Implants are not “one size fits all”.

Taking into account a patient’s desired aesthetic goal, we must first see what the patient brings to the table. Literally. Whatever size the patient has to begin with and what their aesthetic goal is, (considering it is realistic), we must figure out the difference which helps the Surgeons decide on a certain implant size.

Often times, women have asymmetric breasts. One might be larger than the other, the nipple positioning might not be perfectly aligned, the crease under the breast might be higher on one side verses the other, etc. Dr. Layke and Dr. Danielpour feel it is  important to  point this out to the patient during their consultation, not to make the patient feel insecure, but to make the aware. These asymmetries can sometimes be corrected with a simple breast augmentation. Frequently, it takes more than that to try to create more symmetry between the two breasts, i.e., a breast lift, or putting a bigger implant on one size, etc. Sometimes there are asymmetries that cannot be treated with surgery, or shouldn’t be.

During the surgery, Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke use sizers. These are temporary air-filled implants to help determine the size and positioning of actual implants that they will use. Once the determined breast implant size has been determined, the sizers are removed and the real implants are placed.

Nowadays the most commonly used implants are silicone gel, otherwise known as memory gel, or cohesive gel. “Gummy Bear Implants” are still pending FDA approval.  Saline implants are still often used, but not like they were prior to the FDA approving silicone gel implants back in 2006. Though higher in price, silicone gel implants are  more preferred by surgeons and patients alike, as they are longer lasting devices and have a more natural feel to them.

So, how do you find out what are  the best breast implants for YOU? Let us help you formulate the best surgical plan for you! Call us today and schedule your personalized consultation!!!!!

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group  (310) 275-6600