Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Call: (310) 275-6600

Two Surgeons for the Price of One: The Benefits of Having an Immediate Second Opinion at the Time of Your Initial Consultation

By July 27, 2012 No Comments

Who doesn’t like a 2-for-1 deal? Especially in this economy, most of us have utilized some form or another of a 2-for-1 deal, whether it is 2-for-1 drinks at Happy Hour, or buy-one-get-one-free at your favorite clothing store. Well, what if you were thinking of having cosmetic surgery, and the plastic surgeon you consulted with offered to have another plastic surgeon to evaluate you and assist on the procedure?


At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we believe that the single most important factor in successful cosmetic surgery is the selection of your plastic surgeon. Combining artistry and science, Dr.Layke and Dr.Danielpour prefer a refined natural look, not an artificial operated appearance. Good surgical sculpture should look good in motion and from multiple perspectives, not just the view of a single still photograph.


Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group is unique in the sense that Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke work jointly with every patient; they examine each patient together, offering two different perspectives. Why would two fully-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeons do this? Simple:


1. Having two fully-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeons reduces patient dissatisfaction and boosts patient confidence in the surgical plan. Often times, a single plastic surgeon has a particular way of performing a procedure. With TWO plastic surgeons present evaluating each patient, a collaborative plan is individualized and tailored for each patient.  TWO sets of trained eyes pick up more details, leading to better results.

2.  Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke operate jointly, cutting operative times in half, and ultimately creating a safer environment for you.  Longer procedures can be cut in half.

3. Postoperative recovery time is reduced. Reduced operating time results in less nausea and faster return to normalcy from a postoperative state.


If you are thinking of having a cosmetic procedure, wouldn’t you like to have a consultation with two plastic surgeons, without having to go to two separate offices? Call Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery group at (310) 275-6600 to come in for a consultation today and see the benefits of having a second opinion at the time of your initial consultation!