Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Traveling After Having Plastic Surgery: When it is Safest

By March 21, 2012 No Comments

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we are fortunate to have patients that travel from out of town, out of state, and even out of country to have services with us. We often times have patients that are always on the go, so it isn’t unusual when patients ask us, “How soon after surgery is it ok for me to travel?”

Your health, age, length of surgery, type of surgery, and distance to be traveled are major factors as to when it is safe for you to travel following surgery. Our biggest concern for any patient following surgery is accessibility to be in contact with you, should you need our care.

Check before you fly

Airlines mights have their own restrictions and regulations about flying after surgery, so you might want to be sure and check with your airline before you decide on boarding, especially if you’ve had a more invasive surgery.


Risk of DVT, especially in longer flights

If you’re intending on  flying after a recent surgery, you’re at an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis or DVT (a blood clot in one of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs). DVTs are always a risk when flying, especially on longer flights, as it is, regardless of surgery. This is due to immobility when in flight, which decreases blood circulation.

Your risk of DVT from flying is higher if you’ve had surgery in the last two weeks and have under gone a tummy tuck procedure, high volume liposuction procedure, or any plastic surgery that exceeding 5 hours of surgery. (Also if you have any medical conditions that put you at higher risk for blood clots as it is.) It’s recommended that you should take steps to reduce your risk of DVT, such as drinking plenty of water and moving around on the plane.  Though risk are low, we care about our patients and strive to look out for their very best interest and safety. By discussing these potential risks,  we hope it allow you to make the most well-informed decisions and planning for surgery.

To discuss your best arrangements for traveling to Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group for any procedure, feel free to call our office at: 301.853.5147

or email us at:

We look forward to hearing from you!