Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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“The Perfect Peel” for Skin Rejuvenation

By November 16, 2011 No Comments

Looking for the most ideal treatment to give you younger, radiant looking skin? Look no further! We offer “The Perfect Peel” …and that’s exactly what it is!

The Perfect Peel is the only peel that premieres Glutathione as an establishig component  and is the only true anti-aging ingredient offered exclusively in this formula. Glutathione is the ultimate antioxidant known to prevent damage to important cellular components caused by peroxides and free radicals.  As we age, our Glutathione levels deplete due to air pollutants, environmental stress, and sun exposure. Glutathione allows deep penetration into the cellular level of the skin which combats oxidant damage and prevents premature  wrinkles and signs of aging skin.  Glutathione is proven to lighten pigmentation by reversing the melanin’s metabolism from dark to light.

The treatment for the peel is impressively not painful during the application. The application process only takes about 15 mins and you leave the office looking like you have a tan. Our aesthetician will recommend what’s best for you as to how long you should have the product on for. Typically, most are advised to keep the application on for 6-8 hours, or up to 12 hours before washing your face. After the first wash, you will be asked to apply a take-home topical solution for the following two days as well as being advised not to moisturize the skin. The peelig and exfoliation process typically begins on day 3 (when hydrating the skin is allowed), and is at it’s highest peak of skin shedding by day 5 and 6. For most, the process of skin peeling is done by day 7-9.

The results are remarkable! Smooth, soft, radiant, flawless looking skin is achieved!

Erase acne scars.  Shrink pore size.  Reverse the signs of damaged, aged skin. Perfect skin is just a peel away! Call us today for your treatment!

(310) 275-6600 Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group

The Perfect Peel is so effective, you will notice a vast improvement in your skin’s texture, tone, pore size, and firmness with just one treatment!