Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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The Evolution of American Beauty

By July 15, 2011 No Comments

Change. It’s part of life. The seasons, change, people change, and trends change. Have the trends of beauty changed so drastically in the past, 20,30 or 40 years? We know that science and medicine have! The demands for looking young, and being thin are at an all-time high, and advances in the Cosmetic/Aesthetic Industry are helping many patients achieve this.  From Botox, to Facelifts, Liposuction to Tummy Tucks, certain surgical and non-surgical treatments can help turn back the clock and rejuvenate one’s physical appearance.

In years before, Elizabeth Taylor was considered iconic for her extreme beauty. Her full hips and small waist was more buxom and full than some beauty icons of today (like Angelina Jolie, and Cameron Diaz) who are less curvy. Today, it seems as though extremely thin is in, though some beg to differ and feel that the Elizabeth Taylors of today are more like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez. To achieve a more voluptuousness bod, this too can be achieved with surgery. Brazilian Butt Augmentations have sky-rocketed in the past 2 years, and the same with breast enhancement surgery.

So, whatever your heart desires, it is true when said, “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder”. If you’re interested in achieving a desired look, we can help get you there!

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group 310.853.5147