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Snapchat Goes Under the Knife with Plastic Surgery Trends

By April 29, 2019 No Comments

Snapchat Plastic Surgery Trends

1.) To Correct Droopy Lower Eyelids

It should come as no surprise that Snapchat – a platform placing prominence on its users’ physical appearances – lends itself to the cosmetic surgery market.

In fact, there are a plethora of plastic surgeons using Snapchat to market their practice by providing educational videos. The Snapchat filter also acts as a tool for patients looking to illustrate their desired appearance to surgeons.

Let’s take a deeper look at these trends below:

Turning Digital into Reality

Now, cosmetic surgeons have the benefit of the ‘social media beauty ideal’ they can cater to.

Instead of bringing in photos of their favorite actors from entertainment magazines, patients are bringing in photos of Snapchat models who look great on camera. It’s been a huge shift in the industry and is helping patients establish a vision of what they’re looking to accomplish with surgery.

To further elaborate, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons reported that in 2017, 55% of facial plastic surgeons saw patients seeking surgery to help them look better in selfies.

This trend goes beyond aspiring to still images of models and celebrities. It also has to do with users’ own photos. Snapchat filtering tools remove shadows and wrinkles, giving users a window into their ideal aesthetic.

However, it’s necessary for surgeons to be realistic with their patients, as millennials have been stricken with something called ‘Snapchat dysmorphia.’

Essentially, through techniques and photo angles, Snapchat users are creating unrealistic images of themselves that surgeons couldn’t possibly replicate. So, while industry professionals can certainly capitalize on these filters and touch-ups offered through the platform, patients must be informed of when they want the impossible.

Filming the Nitty Gritty

It’s not uncommon for practitioners throughout many different industries to post real-life procedural videos (e.g. chiropractic and dermatology). Potential patients like to feel informed before they commit to paying for anything.

With access to information being at an all-time high, the marketplace has never been more transparent. Therefore, adding educational footage of what goes on in the operating room is a great way to market one’s proficiency and professionalism.

Take cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer, for instance. Going by the handle Dr. Miami, Salzhauer films surgeries via Snapchat and answers real-time questions throughout the process. As of late 2017, he was receiving 1.4 million views per post, on average.

Through Snapchat, the good doctor can put his skills on full display. He performs 3 combined surgeries in 4 hours – half the time of most cosmetic surgeons.

2/3rds of Dr. Miami’s patients agree to have their surgeries filmed, looking forward to their 4 hours of fame.

What’s worth noting, is that the average age of Salzahauer’s patients is 23-years-old. Whereas, the average age of overall female cosmetic surgery patients is 37. Given that 45% of Snapchat users are between 18-24, it’s safe to say that Dr. Salzhauer has smartly nurtured a niche market.

Snapchat and Instagram Are a Perfect Marriage

When examining the above trends, it becomes abundantly clear the Snapchat and the cosmetic surgery industry were both meant to be.


“Snapchat dysmorphia”: why people are getting plastic surgery to look like edited photos. (2018, August 10). From Vox:

Meet Dr Snapchat: ‘My patients let me film their plastic surgery’. (2016, November 20). From The Telegraph: