Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Call: (310) 275-6600

Product of the Week: Teamine Eye Cream

By April 4, 2013 No Comments

Teamine Eye Cream

Want to diminish dark circles, erase fine lines and wrinkles, and also decrease puffy eyes? Look no further! Teamine Eye Complex is formulated to work through multiple pathways to achieve these primary benefits:

1.) Brightens and softens the appearance of skin. Helps skin look firmer and less transparent so discoloration and broken capillaries are less visible.

2.) With some key blend ingredients such as aloe and green tea extract , Teamine Eye Complex reduces the appearance of puffiness and provides a more well rested appearance.

3.) The peptides in this special cream has also shown to reduce the surface area of deep wrinkles up to 42%.

Purchase from us today for only $65!!!! We love this product and so do our patients!

(310) 275-6600