Post Surgical Instructions for Breast Augmentation
Congratulations on having (or about to have) breast augmentation and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have this experience with you!
There is some information we would like to prepare you with for your recovery. We understand that having surgery can cause you to have great concerns, but please know that we are here for you anytime, anywhere, for anything! So please be sure to contact us with any questions you may have, and know that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Additionally, we would love to see you for your appointed follow-up visits as it allows us to check your status of recovery, results and tailor your personalized post-recovery instructions.
First and foremost, please understand that you have been through a lot perhaps physically, and emotionally. It is crucial that you rest, and have somebody with you for the first 24 hours. When you rest, lay on your back with slight elevation. One to two pillows behind your head/neck/back is ideal, but whatever feels comfortable. To alleviate lower back pressure and also to prevent you from rolling onto your side or back, you might want to even place a pillow(s) under your knees. We suggest that you NOT lie on your breast for a few weeks following surgery. (You probably will feel like you don’t even want to.) It is certainly ok to get up and walk around safely, and at a slower pace. Walking will increase your blood-flow and circulation, which is good, but do not exhaust yourself.
Drink plenty of fluids. Keep yourself hydrated. Start with a soft, bland diet (i.e., breads, soups, crackers, etc), to ensure better digestion, and hopefully prevent nausea. These following symptoms are possible side effects from surgery, anesthesia, and/or or post op prescription medications: constipation, nausea, dizziness, irregular menstruation, fatigue, and even feeling “emotional”. Do not dismay, all things need time to run their course and adjust. Please be patient…things will get better. Should you have ANY symptoms or concerns, please contact us immediately. Should you consider any matter to be an emergency, (i.e. fever, severe and rapidly expanding pain, severe redness and/or rash, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, extensive and continual bleeding, etc) please use your best judgment and call 911 or report to the nearest hospital if you are unable to reach us.
It is important not to engage in any strenuous activity or exercise for the first week. Further instructions will be given to you after you have been seen by Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke for your appointed follow up(s). Typically, between 4-6 weeks post surgery, you should be able to engage in most all activities with no limitations…but YOU and YOUR BODY will let you know what feels right or comfortable. We suggest you ease back into the swing of things to allow yourself to build back your strength.
Immediately following your surgery, your breast might not look exactly how you envisioned them to be. This is normal. It will take some time for your swelling to subside, your tissue to expand, your breast to settle and take the best shape and placement. Also, you might need some time to adjust mentally to your physical changes as well. We will teach you how to massage your breast and care for your incisions when the timing for you to do so is most appropriate (usually starting one week after your surgery).
Further instructions and information will be given as you progress with your recovery. Please be sure to schedule and attend your follow up appointments to ensure your highest opportunity of satisfaction and well-being. Call us anytime with any questions you may have. (310) 275-6600