Do you want to improve the appearance of your nose but don’t have the time for the recovery that’s needed with a formal (surgical) Rhinoplasty? With the use of dermal-fillers, you can achieve a more refined nose without having surgery, and no down-time necessary!
Both Dr. Danielpour and Dr. John Layke are highly skilled Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons who specialize in Rhinoplasty, otherwise known as nose improvement surgery. By improving the structure and contour of noses, this helps create a more harmonious balance of one’s face. Noses are certainly not , “One size or style fits all”, so tailoring shape and style can be different from one person to the next.
Surgery might not be for everyone, but there are alternative treatments that can be done to still achieve an aesthetic look or outcome. Dermal-fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero (which are all hylaronic acids), and Radiesse (which is calcium hydroxyapatite) , are suitable products used to mold and enhance not only the nose, but also cheeks, chin, lips, and the jawline as well. Dermal- fillers are most commonly used to fill deep facial lines and wrinkles.
Typically just one syringe of a dermal-filler is all that is needed to help build the structure or contour of the nose. This, too, is determined by both Dr, Danielpour and Dr. Layke on an individual basis. Upon a patient’s evaluation, they will be able to determine exactly where the filler should be placed and how much product should be used.
The process for the injection treatment typically takes under an hour to do. Though there is no “down-time”, there is always the potential risk for bruising and swelling after the treatment. We caution our patients to avoid taking medications that can thin your blood prior to and following treatment. We also suggest taking Arnica Montana to prevent, or shorten the length of, bruising and swelling.
The results from dermal-filler injections vary from one person to the next but on average lasts anywhere up to a year. This is mostly determined by what product is being injected, how much product is being used, and where the product is being injected.
To see if dermal-fillers are best for you, or to know more about non-surgical nose improvement treatments, call us today to schedule your and personalized consultation! (310) 275-6600 Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group