Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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DermaRoller Treatments at BHPSG

By April 6, 2012 No Comments

Come check out the new DermaRoller treatments at BHPSG done by our in house aesthetician Rebecca! The DermaRoller system promotes collagen and elastin fibers to reduce wrinkles, stretch marks, scars and uneven skin tone. It helps create a micro channel that increases product absorbency up to 3,000 times!! It improves skin elasticity and texture by stimulating collagen production leaving your skin feeling fresh and looking more youthful and will not cause any damage to the epidermis.

How it works

The DermaRoller stimulates the production of collagen and elastin through controlled wound healing to treat wrinkles, premature aging, stretch marks, acne scars and uneven skin.

It aids in infusing therapeutic serums for greater penetration and increasing overall efficacy. Clinical studies have proven that serum absorption is increased by as much as 85% times when applied with the DermaRoller.

How it is used

The DermaRoller is rolled over your skin by our  clinical aesthetician and the short sharp needles will prick your upper dermal skin layers  which results in the creation of temporary micro channels into the lower layers of your skin.  Lower levels of the DermaRoller treatment feel mostly like a prickly, tickling sensation, you will not draw blood either as the needles are too fine and are designed to simply puncture the top layers of your skin. When deeper repair is needed, a higher level of DermaRoller is used and with numbing cream applied before the service, pain is not an issue.

When your skins surface is punctured, the body reacts by producing more collagen and elastin.  Therefore your skin will rejuvenate itself with new skin tissue.  So by receiving DermaRoller treatments once every 3 -4 weeks you will literally renew your skin, helping to reduces the appearance of wrinkles, scars, crow’s feet, fine lines, stretch marks and even cellulite.

In addition you will also be restoring old skin into new healthy, vibrant, even toned & youthful looking skin!

You can use this device on any part of your body including your neck, knees, face, around the eyes (for crow’s feet), arms, thighs, cheeks, abdomen and scalp.  The only places where you cannot use the micro roller are the eye lids and the lips.

At BHPSG we will offer specific DermaRoller treatments catered to your needs. Choose from a basic DermaRoller treatment, a brightening DermaRoller treatment or an anti-aging DermaRoller treatment.

Call today and schedule your appointment!

(310) 275-6600