Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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MACS-Lift: The Short Scar Face Lift!

By January 24, 2012 No Comments

Looking to get a face lift? The MACS lift may be right lift for you! Men and women with signs of aging in the face such as jowls, deep marionette lines and sagging necks now have an alternative to a facelift: the MACS-lift. Developed in 2002, the MACS-lift, short for “Minimal Access Cranial Suspension,” involves lifting muscle and tissue vertically and fixing them in a more youthful position with dissolvable sutures before gently redraping the skin over them. This is different than pulling the skin horizontally (toward the ears) and trimming it, as is done in a traditional facelift.

What are the advantages of this technique? The incisions are limited to the crease in front of the ears and the hairline above the ears meaning it is less invasive then a normal face lift. This also means that since the area of skin freed from its underlying tissue is much smaller, the probability of post-operative bleeding is much smaller which means it is safer for you as the patient. There is also less trauma and manipulation of the tissue so there is less swelling and bruising, resulting in a more comfortable and faster recovery period.

Overall, the MACS-lift not only provides a more natural post-surgical look than that of a facelift, it is also less invasive, takes less time to perform, can be performed under local anesthesia, and offers patients a shorter recovery period.


You can see a video on the procedure on our website at

Think you are a good candidate for the MACs-lift? Give us a call today for your consultation!

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group

(310) 275-6600