Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Call: (310) 275-6600

Looking to Get Rid of That Embarrassing Tweety Bird Tattoo You Thought was Cute in College? The FDA Approves the first PAINLESS Tattoo Removal Laser!

By May 21, 2012 No Comments
  • Over 40 million people in U.S. are tattooed.
  • More than 35% of U.S. adults 19-36 have some form of tattoo.
  • Tattoos are now mainstream.


  • In 2009,”Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology” reported that up to 50% of adults 40+ seek tattoo removal.
  • # 1 reason for NOT getting a tattoo removed:  PAIN!
  • # 2 reason for NOT getting a tattoo removed:  Until now, the technology available did not remove all ink, caused scarring, bleeding and pigment destruction.

Here at the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we are pleased to announce the arrival of the VERY FIRST PAINLESS TATTOO REMOVAL SYSTEM ON THE WEST COAST!


Three Lasers in One for Multi-color removal:

  • Ruby 694
  • Nd: YAG 1064/532 nm
  • Dye 585 nm

Gentle, virtually pain free, no scarring, no blistering, no blood,  no long-term pigmentation issues

This improved technology allows for ANY tattoo to be removed virtually painlessly in just a few sessions!  Call today to book your appointment at the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group: 310-275-6600!