Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Get Your Ears Pierced (or Re-Pierced After an Earlobe Repair) with BHPSG!

By October 25, 2011 No Comments

Have you recently had your torn earlobes repaired and looking to have earlobes that can be pierced again?  Or, are you looking to pierce your ears for the first time? Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group can give you pain-free, glam-pierced lobes today!

What is Ear piercing?
Ear piercing is a minor procedure of a hole in each ear lobe (or just one, if preferred) to allow the wearing of ear rings.

What is different about Ear piercing performed at BHPSG?
Ear piercing is performed with topical anesthetic, or a local anesthetic injection to numb the area to reduce pain and discomfort.  The instruments used are guaranteed sterile and free from contamination.

How much does Ear piercing Cost?
The cost of an Ear piercing treatment is $60/piercing.

What are the risks of Ear piercing?
Infection is the biggest risk with Ear piercing.  If the studs become infected, they may become inflamed, painful and lumpy. Under these circumstances, the studs will need removal. To prevent infection from occurring, patients considering Ear piercing should do the following:

  • Defer Ear piercing treatment for six weeks after any infection
  • In general leave the area alone apart from regularly turning the studs

Who should not undergo Ear piercing?
The following patients are advised to avoid Ear piercing:

  • Patients prone to chronic infections
  • Patients prone to severe allergic reactions
  • Patients who are pregnant or breast feeding
  • Patients who have active cold sores
  • Taking cortisone
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Taking anti-coagulant medication

How is Ear piercing performed?
The ear lobes are marked with the patient in front of a mirror to determine exactly the placement of the studs. Topical anesthetic is applied or local anesthetic is injected with a very fine needle. Ear piercing is performed in a well-lit room and magnification is used for accurate placement of the ear studs.

How long will my Ear piercing take?
Treatments takes approximately 15 minutes per piercing .

So call us TODAY and get your earlobes ready for some eye-catching bling!

(310) 275-6600