Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Get Long, Thick, Beautiful Lashes With Latisse!

By January 8, 2013 No Comments

As you grow older, you may notice your eyelashes have begun to grow thinner, lighter and shorter. This is completely natural, however most women miss those long, beautiful lashes they had before. With Latisse, you can keep those thick and dark lashes!

Latisse is created and produced by the cosmetic industry leader, Allegran, who produce the other major products BOTOX® and Juvederm, two of today’s top wrinkle-removing injectables.  So what exactly does Latisse do and what do you need to know about this treatment? The main ingredient in Latisse is bimatoprost, a topical ingredient that initially was used to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension. It’s effectiveness was discovered while treating eye diseases.  Bimatoprost gets applied to the root and shaft of individual lashes and can help build up the eyelashes during the hair’s growth phase. Latisse also treats hypotichosis, which prolongs the eyelash growth phase in general so eyelashes will continue to grow for a longer period of time. Application of Latisse is simple and quick, and can easily be added to your nightly routine.

To apply Latisse, patients use a small one time brush to apply it to the top eyelid where the skin meets the eyelashes, sort of like you are applying eyeliner. This is done nightly before bed after all makeup is removed. Potential side effects are minor and can include itchy or dry eyes, darkened eyelids, and darkening of the eyelids, all of which are reversible once Latisse is no longer used. Most people using Latisse as directed see a change after about 8 weeks of use and full results after about 16 weeks. Once you have reached your desired length, people may “maintain” the length by only applying the solution 1-3 times per week. It is important to note that once you quit using Latisse, your eyelashes will gradually go back to their natural selves.

Want to regrow your own beautiful lashes? Come visit us at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group today! Mention this blog and get $20 off!

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group

436 North Bedford Drive, Suite 308

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

(310) 275-6600