Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
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Get Beautified with the “Triple B” Formula by Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group

By September 12, 2011 No Comments

Get Beautified with the “Triple B”: Botox, Biotin, and B12

Needing a beauty booster? Try this Triple B formula and see how great you will not only look, but feel…

BOTOX Cosmetic is a prescription purified protein medicine that is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate-to-severe frown lines. Once injected, it temporarily relaxes the muscles fo approximately  3 to 4 months. Once the Botox is in full effect, the skin usually will not (or minimally)  fold or wrinkle which results in smooth, youthful apprearing skin.  The treatment typically takes just a few minutes and there is NO down time (suggested not to lie flat or exercise for 4 hours following treatment) and minimal to NO pain.

Biotin is an essential supplement for anyone interested in preventing hair loss and increasing hair growth…  Biotin is a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process — it is essential to not only grow new hair, but it also plays a major role in the overall health of skin and nails.
Biotin is a vitamin B and it is present in foods like eggs and liver. However, it would take a huge amount of eggs and liver to provide you with the 5mg. of biotin that you would need for healthy hair and nails. A biotin supplement can provide your body with the necessary amount of biotin it needs to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss without additional calories and without having to eat liver.   Biotin is a member of the B-vitamin family. It assists in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein. It serves as a critical component of several enzymes and is involved in energy metabolism. The major benefit of biotin however, is its ability to strengthening hair and nails.   Men and Women who are experiencing hair loss may be able to keep their hair longer and promote hair growth by taking a biotin supplement or hair vitamins containing biotin.


B12 is a great energy booster. It works through the red blood cells, by enabling them to carry oxygen more efficiently. An oxygenated cell is a cell that is at its optimum, full of energy and won’t tire easily. B12 is also great for the skin. These are just some of the benefits – overall, it’s an essential vitamin that the body must have to stay in balance. The only problem is that it is not that easily found in food – very few foods are B12 rich and these are essentially meat and eggs. This leaves especially vegans to look for sources elsewhere, in fortified foods, supplements or vitamin B12 shots. Shots are a preferred option because of their direct and immediate absorption into the bloodstream.

So what are the benefits of B12 shots?

  1. B12 increases metabolism, the side effect of which can be weight loss. With regular B12 shots and a combination of other weight loss regimens, people have reported to lose weight much faster and they attribute it to the shot.
  2. B12, as we said earlier is a great energy booster. What better way to deliver an energy booster than directly into the bloodstream? The other option would be to take a supplement, which would take many hours in the digestive process and would lose much value along the way.
  3. Speaking of value, with a B12 shot, you retain almost all the B12 – none of it gets lost in the digestive process. For comparisons sake, a B12 tablet leaves you with only 1.2% of B12 in the tablet. A shot will lose very little, if any.
  4. B12 Shots are highly recommended mood boosters as well. B12 is essential for a properly functioning central nervous system – we know that dysfunction can lead to depression. If you suffer from mild depression once in a while, you can try a B12 shot as a mood booster – some people have reported feeling happily giddy afterwards, but not for long. In a few hours, it settles and you are just happy!
  5. B12 is essential for a properly functioning cardiovascular system. It thins the blood and prevents blood stickiness. Blood cells sticking together is what leads to a blood clot which can cause a stroke.


Call Us today to get your Triple B Beauty Formula just for you!  (310) 275-6600