Most Commonly Asked Questions and Answers
Breast Augmentation
1.) Q: How painful is the procedure, and length of recovery?
A: Everybody has a different tolerance of discomfort, but certainly the majority of post breast augmentation patients will say that discomfort from the surgery wasn’t nearly as hard as they imagined. In fact, many patients say that it is very tolerable and that very little-to-no pain medication was needed after surgery. Tightness and a heavy sensation on the chest is how most patients describe it for the first couple of days following surgery.
In regards to recovery, it is suggested that you allow yourself at least 72 hours to be low-key with minimal physical exertion. Within a week, most patients feel well enough to drive and return to work (considering their job doesn’t entail anything too strenuous). Going back to a non-limited workout can safely resume around 4-weeks post surgery. It is always advised that patients be seen by their treating physician for their personalized post operative instructions.
2.) Q: What is the difference between saline and silicone?
A: There are many difference between saline and silicone yet the outer shell of the implants are the same (except that saline implants have a value so they can be manually filled with saline water, whereas silicone gel implants have no value and are pre-filled with cohesive gel).Further differences between the implants are cost (silicone being worth more) how long they last, how they feel, and what happens to the implants when they are in need of replacement.
3.) Q: Where in the incision made to put the insert the implants?
A: Every doctor has their own opinion or school-of-thought as to where the incision should be placed, and it often times is influenced by the patient’s body or preference. The most common places are peri-areolar (bottom part of the areola), and inframammory incision (under the breast). Some doctors also offer a trans-axillary approach (thru the armpit, and typically done with a scope). Additionally, some doctors offer the trans-umbilical technique (incision placed under the hood of the belly-button), but that can ONLY be offer with saline implants.
4.) Q: Will you ever need to redo your surgery, replace the implants?
A: The likely-hood is probable, but not definite. Because nothing lasts forever, we cannot expect that breast implants will either. The need older the implants, the more likely they will need to be replaced. This is because of wear and tear on the implant. Though silicone gel implants are extremely durable and longer lasting than saline, it is probably safest to say that one day (depending on how long you have your implants in for) you should consider replacing your implants with new one to ensure its durability. There are other potential risks that should be discussed with your Surgeon prior to opting for breast augmentation that could lead to reoperation other than just the durability of the implants. These things include, but not limited to, the development of scar tissue, infection, removal of the implants, asymmetries, hematoma, etc.
5.) Q: Will I be able to breast feed in the future?
A: The best way to really determine this is if you’ve successfully breast-fed prior to surgery. Not every female is born with the ability to breast-feed, or at least breast-feed well. The likely-hood and potential risk of not being able to breast-feed due to breast augmentation is low.
To find out more about Breast Augmentation, call us TODAY!!!
Beverly Hills Plastic surgery Group 310.853.5147