Want to look and feel your very best?
What is the best regimen to achieve this? As a plastic surgery practice, we offer a variety of treatment regimens to achieve your desired look. Although looking your best often starts from the inside. Eliminating stress and being smoke free, getting plenty of rest, regular exercise, good and balanced nutrition and hydration are some key elements. Aside from the basics, here are our “TOP 3 Must Do’s” for achieving optimal beauty.
1.) Use Sunblock Daily.
As much as we all love to be sun worshipers, we now clearly know the harmful effects of UV sunlight. It’s crucial to protect your skin from the potential damage caused by UVA and UVB rays. Wearing sunblock daily will help eliminate sunspots, wrinkles, and most importantly, skin cancer!
We offer Tizo, Original Sprout, Coola, and Intellishade by Revision Skin Care
2.) Wash and Hydrate Your Face.
Some people neglect to wash their face, and for many women, that means neglecting to wash off not only extra oils and dirt, but makeup too! By not washing your face, you increase your chances of breakouts, blackheads and pre-mature aging. Many cleansing products out there can be too harsh on the skin, stripping the natural balance of oil and water that your skin needs. It’s important to not only wash the skin with a gentle cleanser, but to hydrate the skin once it is clean.
We recommend Duchess Marden Foaming Cleanser for more oily or combination skin, or Duchess Marden Cream Cleanser for more mature or dry skin. Duchess Marden Face Cream with vitamins and minerals to improve cellular metabolism and lead to healthier and more vibrant skin. For more powerful and deeper skin cleaning, we advise investing in a Clarisonic Pro for face and body.
3.) Befriend Botox.
Botox in itself is the biggest game-changer in the game of aging. It slows the progression of facial aging by decreasing the strength of muscular contraction in certain muscles of facial expression. The most common areas targeted are the crows feet around the eyes, the horizontal forehead lines and the dreaded frown lines. Botox still remains to be the least invasive and fastest way to immediately look refreshed and younger.
With two other products on the market now, Xeomin and Dysport will become more commonly heard. All three products are purified proteins that when injected, mute the communicative signals that make muscles move for about 90 days. When the muscles are relaxed, the skin cannot fold and if the skin cannot fold, well, then no wrinkles can form. Botox can also treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) when injected into the armpits. So if you’re one with sweat stains, with is a beauty must do for you! Everyone can use a little Botox!
For more information about all of our beauty treatments and products, call us today!!! (310) 275-6600