Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group
436 N Bedford Dr #214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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Banish those varicose and spider veins with Asclera!

By November 10, 2011 No Comments

While it may no longer be bikini season, just because it’s winter time doesn’t mean you can’t show off your legs. But what if those spider or small varicose veins have you running towards the tights department? Now there is a treatment to banish those veins so you can show off your Pilates toned legs! Asclera is a prescription medicine injection that is used in a procedure called sclerotherapy and is administered by a healthcare provider to treat both uncomplicated spider veins (< 1 mm in diameter) and uncomplicated small varicose veins (1 to 3 mm in diameter) also known as reticular veins. Asclera is a sclerosing agent that is injected into the vein and works by damaging the endothelium, the cells lining the inside of blood vessels. This causes blood platelets to attach to the lining of the vessels eventually causing the blood vessel to clot. Over time, the clotted vein will then be replaced with tissue.

The procedure is very simple, with a session lasting between 15 and 45 minutes. One injection is usually administered per inch with multiple injections per session. Following treatment, compression stockings or support hose may be given to the patient to be worn continuously for 2-3 days to help the healing process. The patient should also avoid heavy exercise, sunbathing, long plane flights and a hot bath or sauna for 2-3 days as well. However, beyond that the patient may go about their daily activities as normal. Asclera usually runs about $450 a treatment with most patients seeing a difference after one treatment, although it is usually suggested to come back for another treatment in around 4 weeks and then less frequently thereafter.

For more information on Asclera give us a call today!

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group

(310) 275-6600