Veins on your legs have you covered up? Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group is happy to help you achieve your sexiest legs ever this summer!
Asclera injection is a prescription medicine that is used in a treatment for leg veins called, “schlerotherapy” and is administered by Dr. Layke and Dr. Danielpour to treat two types of veins: very small spider veins, and small varicose veins.
Treatment with Asclera is a minimally invasive treatment. The treatment itself takes anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on how many veins are to be injected. The procedure consist of the Surgeon injecting the product superficially into the vein(s) and causing a blanching effect. This effect works by damaging the cells lining the inside of blood vessels and causes the platelets to attach to the lining of the vessels. Eventually cellular debris and platelets cause the blood vessel to clot. Over time, the clotted vein will be replaced with tissue.
The actual injection is tolerable and doesn’t require anesthesia. For better comfort, it is recommended to put topical numbing cream on the areas being injected with Asclera and to let it sit for about 30-60 minutes prior to treatment.
Compression stockings be worn consistently for 2 weeks following the treatment to ensure its effectiveness. Compressing the areas injected does help minimize the recurrence of spider and varicose vein visibility. Even though good results should be seen with just one treatment, the best results are seen with anywhere from 3-5 treatments with intervals of 4-6 weeks apart , depending on one’s severity of veins.
It is best to avoid strenuous exercise, sunbathing, long plane rides (or sitting for a prolonged length of time), hot saunas or hot baths for at least three days immediately following treatment. Always share with your doctor any medications, vitamins, or herbs you may be taking and certainly to inform him/her of any medical conditions you have be diagnosed with or allergies you may have.
Want silky, smooth, sexy summer legs? Call us today to schedule your Asclera treatment and see what it does for you! (310) 275-6600