BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 30, 2011 CELEBRATE YOUR INDEPENDENCE FROM LINES AND WRINKLES! Celebrate your independence this 4th of July with Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group! We are happy…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 27, 2011 Keeping Up With Our Female Counterparts? Facial Rejuvenation for Males More than 1.1 million men underwent surgery in 2010. According to the American Society of…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 20, 2011 Arm-lift Surgery After Massive Weight Loss Candidates for Arm-Lift Surgery A brachioplasty (or upper arm lift) is an appropriate option for…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 17, 2011 Scar Revision Surgery: for a less obvious (and hopefully, inconspicuous) scar A LESS noticeable scar, for a MORE noticeable YOU! Scars can be results of injury or surgery,…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 14, 2011 Happy Patients Mean the World to US! When we make others happy, especially our patients, we feel successful! When our patients are…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 10, 2011 Your Best Body for the Summer Do you have stubborn fat that won't go away and killing it for your best…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 8, 2011 Umbilical Hernia Repair What is the cause of an Umbilical Hernia? Umbilical Hernias can be acquired as the…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 7, 2011 To Achieve Beautiful, Flawless Skin…It’s SIMPLE Let's admit many of us have been "guilty" of trying to achieve beautiful skin…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 7, 2011 Society’s Interest in Celebrity Plastic Surgery You see it in the tabloids, you hear on the news and popular t.v. shows…Read More
BHPSG 0 0 Uncategorized June 7, 2011 Large Breasts Causing You Pain in the Neck or Back? Find Out How Your Health Insurance Can Help You Achieve a Breast Reduction Surgery Having large breasts is not necessarily a good thing, nor is it something that every…Read More